Meet Tom Erb
With a career spanning over 25 years, Tom Erb has established himself as one of the top subject matter experts in the talent acquisition profession.
Tom is one of the most highly sought-after national speakers in staffing and recruiting, presenting to a variety of organizations including the American Staffing Association, National Association of Personnel Services, TechServe Alliance, Ohio HR Conference, and dozens of others.
Tom is the author of Winning the Staffing Sales Game and currently writes the monthly Recruiting Today column for ASA’s Staffing Success magazine. HR Examiner named Tom one of the Top 25 Online Influencers in Staffing.
Tom currently serves as chairman of the board for the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS) and is a past chairman of ASA’s Professional-Managerial Section Council, past president of the HR Association of Central Ohio, and past president of the Ohio Staffing and Search Association. Tom is a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and Certified Staffing Professional (CSP).

Tom left Spherion in early 2010 to form Tallann Resources, a consulting firm specializing in the Staffing and Recruiting Industry.
Tom has helped staffing and recruiting companies of all sizes and verticals transform their sales structure, create and implement their strategic plans, and optimize their recruiting process.

As one of the top national speakers in the staffing industry, Tom has presented to a variety of organizations including the American Staffing Association, National Association of Personnel Services, TechServe Alliance, New York Staffing Association, Capital Area Staffing Association, Midwest Staffing Conference, New England Association of Personnel Services, and many others.
A variety of national and regional media outlets including The Wall Street Journal,, Columbus CEO, and multiple city business journals have interviewed Tom. His article on negotiating skills for staffing professionals was published in ASA’s Staffing Success magazine in April 2012.
Tom is immediate past president of the Ohio Staffing and Search Association and past president of the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio, and currently serves on the board for the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS).