Sales is harder now than ever before.
Your prospects aren’t answering the phone or calling you back, there is more competition than ever, and you just seem to be running up against one brick wall after another. In this 100-page quick read, staffing sales expert Tom Erb explains why sales has become increasingly more difficult, the key mistakes that most staffing sales reps are making, and details a systematic sales process that is proven to get more appointments and land more new business in the staffing industry.

Just buy it and use what you learn. It works!
Awesome book, read it and do it. It really works.
Amazon Customer

A Great Read
This book taught me a lot about sales. I really enjoyed reading it. Any person involved in staffing sales should give it a try.
Damon Dreher

This book is useful for experienced professionals looking to escalate their sales to …
Tom has done an outstanding job in demonstrating what it takes to be successful in the Staffing Industry. This book is useful for experienced professionals looking to escalate their sales to the next level and a must read for individuals new to the industry learning how to serve their customers.
Joseph R

The Process really works!
I love this book. I’m currently new to the staffing industry and I have implemented this systematic sales program and its really working to the point that I have to start hiring more recruiters to help with these non stop job orders!

Great, practical guide to building business as a Staffing…
Great, practical guide to building business as a Staffing Sales Professional. Tom’s approach to prospecting and the 10-week 12 touch campaign provides a clear path for generating business.
Rich Grunenwald

Great Book
This book is exactly what you need to improve your sales process. This program is the best kept secret in staffing sales!
Salliece McCain

Best staffing book I have ever read.
Very good book. I have employed the tactics Tom lays out in New York City, and it is working. Best staffing book I have ever read.
Kevin John

Great Read
This book hits the nail on the head with so many topics regarding sales and how to approach every business interaction.
Amazon Customer

Five Stars
Excellent Book with great information! His knowledge of the industry is world class!
Laura K Knaak

Five Stars
Tom has provided a clear and proven startegy to sales success in this book.
Robert Muller

Great book!!
Great book. I’ve already implemented Tom’s sales process into my sales force. I am an insurance firm, so it doesn’t just work for staffing.
Michael Cleary

Good book
I like the book.

Five Stars
Not only is it a good read but the results speak loudly
Chris R.